The Docker Version Manager (dvm) is a cross-platform command-line tool that helps you install and switch between Docker clients

The Docker Version Manager (dvm) is a cross-platform command-line tool that helps you install and switch between Docker clients. It also helps both avoid and address the following Docker client/server API mismatch error message:

Error response from daemon: client is newer than server (client API version: 1.21, server API version: 1.20)

Note: dvm manipulates the PATH variable of the current shell session, and so the changes that dvm makes are temporary.

Quick Start

After you install dvm, run the detect command and you are all ready to start using Docker.

$ dvm detect
1.13.1 is not installed. Installing now...
Installing 1.13.1...
Now using Docker 1.13.1

$ docker --version
Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba3

Global Flags

You can use the following global flags with any of the commands. Global flags should be specified before the command, for example: dvm --silent install 1.9.0.

  • --silent

    Suppresses a command’s normal output. Errors are still displayed.

  • --debug

    Prints additional debug information.

Bash and zsh completion

There is bash and zsh completion available in $DVM_DIR/bash_completion. To invoke it into your shell, run

[[ -r $DVM_DIR/bash_completion ]] && . $DVM_DIR/bash_completion

For zsh, there’s a bit of special sauce using bashcompinit from the more recent versions of zsh.


$ dvm [TAB]
alias        install      ls           uninstall    which
current      list         ls-alias     unload
deactivate   list-alias   ls-remote    use
help         list-remote  unalias      version
$ dvm u[TAB]
unalias    uninstall  unload     use
$ dvm us[TAB]
$ dvm use [TAB]
1.8.2         1.9.0         carina        default       experimental

Mirroring Docker Builds

You may want to use a local mirror for Docker binaries instead of downloading them from the default site ( There are a few possible reasons for this, most commonly the need to avoid dealing with corporate proxies every time.

The environment variable DVM_MIRROR_URL can be set to a local mirror inside your LAN:

export DVM_MIRROR_URL="http://localserver/docker/builds"
dvm install 1.10.3